Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Barack My World

I am not alone in being in love with Barack Obama, and I am also probably not alone in having dreams about him. I do not want to marry him, and I don't think my subconscious wants to either. We both respect Michelle too much. I just want to be his friend.

My first Obama dream: Friend of the Family

In my first Obama dream I was back in high school, and Obama had a daughter my age. Even though we were both 18 or so, we were having a playdate at her house. Barack and Michelle were both there, drifting pleasantly and calmly around the house in a reassuring way. I remember at one point Barack was reading the newspaper in an armchair. They asked me to stay for dinner.

My Second Obama Dream: Captain of the Resistance

This second dream was a great deal more complex. In the dream I was the leader of some sort of secret Obama force. The force had furtive meetings at my apartment (Obama was not involved), where we discussed the tragedies inflicted on our country and how to change things for the better. In the dream world, it seemed America was under a totalitarian rule of some sort (not too far off) and getting Obama elected was the only way to save us all.

In my dream, there was a giant rally for the opposing candidate (unknown) at the Catholic church next to my apartment building on the same day I was holding a secret meeting and also, for some reason, babysitting Barack and Michelle's toddler. (I don't know why their children are always the wrong ages in my dreams). I knew there would be trouble: how was I going to sneak everyone past the demonstrators next door? I called Barack. He sounded as breezy, calm and in command as ever, told me not worry, and called in the Secret Service. Minutes later, two secret agents arrived in black sedans on my block, and calmly handed me the toddler and a giant dog on a leash. They assured me they would stand guard in the lobby.

When I arrived upstairs with toddler, guard dog and resistance force, my front hall was filled with flowers.

With Obama the presumptive nominee today, I am sure I will have more Barack dreams. I can't wait.

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